FREE iPhone Photography Course!

Introducing a very gorgeous, very new and very FREE iPhone photography course! 




Broken into 3 parts, it includes:

The before, the during and the after of taking an iPhone photo! It’s conveniently viewed on webpages that you can work through in one sitting or three different sittings. So easy.


Here’s what you’ll learn:


- Cleaning your phone

- Opening up your camera more quickly

- Focusing

- Using the Exposure Meter

- Burst Mode



- Composition



- Filters



- My favorite Apps + How to use them

- Backing up your photos

- Quick and Easy Printing Options


And did I mention you’ll get to see me make a fool of myself in a welcome video at the start of the course? I mean, just that should make you want to sign up for a giggle. Oh, and did I mention it’s FREE? (I did, didn’t I?)

Look at what people are saying:


x Katie


Sign up now! Click here!